The Corporation
Multinational corporations are entities that nowadays have an enormous power because of the great influence on the countries that they execute and the financial muscle they own, besides, they have many legal benefits that often leaves them free to operate in different jurisdictions, therefore, a good regulation is the only thing that can prevent monopolies and abuses, however, it is natural that corporations will try to monopolize the market through many strategies most often not benefical to society.
Due to the above, if the most important decisions of the corporation are concentrated in a small group to impose their interests over the interests of the society, the breeding ground for corruption and corporate fraud will be well fed and the actions of the corporation will be very far from being part of a real strategy of social responsibility, and therefore the effects of organizational actions may have serious damage components on the image of the organization.
In conclusion, it is clear that in order to change this structure of behavior, it's mandatory to execute a deep change within the corporations regarding individual morals in order to change to a more human vision of the institution that has to include aspects like fairness in the workplace, the proper distribution of wealth and access to power strictly by professional capacity of those members within the corporation.

- Achbar Mark, Abbot Jennifer and Bakon Joel.The corporation documentary, 2003
Video Taken form, 2010. Corporations vs The People - Fighting Corporate Rule.
- image: Image: Hardin, Patrick, Catalog Reference: pha0357, Avalaible at:
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