miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Task 3

The pygmalion effect, as possitive as contraproductive.

Many theories and analysis about the pygmalion effect focus on the important and productive consecuences that this has toward certain areas, the most common is in the organizational and business affairs in which managerial techniques look in order to improve productivity and performance in the workers and employees using the motivation as a tool that finally enhance the possitive things that the enterprise needs.

However, the pigmalion effect has a contraproductive side as well, that many times has been shown in the history.

Continuing with the business affairs issue, that in my opinion is very important to analyse in the psychological side, an example that I investigated, is the pygmalion effect in the bank area, where the deliberations of the people in mass could generate tragic consecuences in the system like the bankruptcy of many financing entities and crisis in many other areas related with the banks, loans, credits, savings (almost all areas).

One specific example of this was the bank crisis in Venezuela in 1994, which has a lot of causes (as all crisis), but one of the most important ones was the bank distrust, which made many venezuelan people retire their savings, “sell their houses, divide their money in several financing institutions and plan their lives according to the leasings of their properties” (Semana, 2008), besides that the country was passing through times of politic instability, financial regulation failures, capital flights.

According to that, people was constantly predisposed to the crisis, every day more and more… threats of bankruptcy of the economy, news bombing and speculation… which madethe crisis happen!: the bad side of the pygmalion effect on massive scale due to the bank insolvency toward the amount of people trying to recover their money.

Semana, 1994. "Crisis bancaria histórica es la que vivió Venezuela". Available in http://semana.com.ve/article.php?id=2271. Consulted on August 11th of 2010.

Task 2

The Role of Managers in international negotiation and the importance of cross cultural management skills

Taking into account the main role of the international business managers within the organizational behavior, it’s very important to state that, they as the heads of the companies should take the best decisions in order to improve the profits of the enterprise and thus benefit the employees that work for it.

For me, nowadays, the phenomenon that affects more the decision process of an enterprise manager is the globalization of the markets, which means that the decisions he takes should be focused on a broad way, in which negotiation skills could provide the necessary tools to have a good relation with other markets, different of the already explored and exploited. The above, in order to have a second hand market in case of legal and political barriers with the commerce.

The best example I can choose for that is:

Due to things and facts like that, it’s very important to develop cross cultural management skills in order to avoid problems with other markets and not going to bankruptcy just for determined problems with a country. For example, Colombia is working hard in order to improve relations with Asia, Africa and the eastern countries.